Poster Messages Impact

Poster Messages

Posters are designed in order to present a substantial message. While some are able to get this message across, other posters are able to put a message out there but are poor examples that are unable to get the stance of the issue across in the right way. 

Good Poster Examples:

The image to the right is a strong image in support of gun control. It lists statistics without providing too much information. Starting at the top of the poster with how many handguns have killed people in different countries. The main image is a handgun with the American flag on it, bringing the eye to wander and have the brain think of America. The bottom of the writing shows the statistics of how many people were victims to a handgun in America, and then saying "God Bless America". This can show that the other countries that are listed have gun control policies especially towards handguns which allows their victim rates to be lower than in America. Although, "lower rate" is not a strong enough word. America has had 10,728 handgun deaths compared to Canada, which has the second most handgun deaths at 58. The point being that if America were to make more of a stance towards handgun control then there would be a astonishing lower number than 10,728 deaths. Finally at the bottom of the page saying "the pen is mightier than the gun" along with the address of who to address to spread the word about gun control. Then the final words being "stop handguns before they stop you" this being the call to action, which brings the viewer to want to write to congress in order to get a better policy towards handguns along with the statistics listed. 

The image to the left is a powerful image towards gun control because of the strong image that not only the gun creates but the words on the gun as well. The gun brings the standpoint, that this topic is about guns but the words upon the gun is what brings the viewers eyes to be able to process what the call to action is. Within the gun, while it's a little green showing either signs of distress, have newspaper headline clippings that makes the brain wander to what these clippings are saying. When newspaper clippings are attached to an  image, the viewer can conclude that the message is serious. Upon further investigation, the viewer can see that the headlines are from newspapers were a shooting was a big topic. For example, Sandy Hook, Columbine, Rampage at Navy Yard, and Crack Down on Crime. These headlines brings the viewer to the call to action, that all these tragic events have occurred and that something should be done about it. Throughout the gun are some papers that involve subheads about shootings such as; 23 dead, 28 dead, child wins, NRA: Armed, and Gunman Kills 12 in Theater. All these are real headlines and subheads which makes the reality of the situation more real towards  the viewer.

While this image may not be the most agreeable to most people, especially in the recent tragic event in Las Vegas, the image is a strong image and is able to get it's point across. While vulgarity may not be the right direction that should have been taken, a lot of individuals that are anti-gun control use this type of language to get their point across, this being because they feel very strongly about their stand point on the issue. This image uses two assault riffles to take over as the f and the k of f**k and makes the cue that for those who agree, gun control shouldn't be something worth talking about. The assault riffles are what makes the image worth a second glance, you're able to read what the word is that is coming across and that associated with the gun control listed below it allows the viewer to see what point the image is conveying.

Other Strong Images:

Poor Poster Images:

Upon further investigation of this poster about pro gun control, you see an assault riffle that has words that are standing out which helps show what the call to action is. The gun has gun control in it which may seem a little repetitive since it is a gun, but it makes the image because it's about the same size as the words that on top of and below it; these words being 2nd amendment and background checks, which is what seems to be the call to action. Then the surrounding words having to do with why the 2nd amendment should have more of a control to it which includes but isn't limited to background checks, a look on the constitution and mental health being a factor of background checks not only from the person buying but as well as those that are living with them. The rest of the words involving the tragic incidents that have occurred because of a lack of gun control along with why people that are anti gun control say is the reason why they need their guns for "self-defense". The rest of the words having to do with the make up of a gun such as the bullet, caliber, and the fact that a gun can be high-capacity which is a little confusing because these really don't help with the call to action. These  While, the image comes across as though it is for what it wants to get across, there's a lot of information that is coming towards the viewer.

The image to the right is a poor image because it's unable to get it's point across. It begs the question of if the creator is pro gun control or anti gun control. All the image showcases are different type of weapons (guns) that are make up the shape of America. The image isn't strong because it's not conveying anything besides weapons making up America. Which is true. Guns are taking up America and that is an issue. But, whether the image is for it or against gun control, then that's the true question. The viewer can get both pro and against control with this image and that shouldn't be the case with a poster. A poster should have a topic and have the ability to take a stance on that topic. Had this poster had something else to it to emphasize what the stance on the topic is, it would be a better poster.

The image to the left is a poor image to relate back to gun control because it doesn't represent not only why we deserve but as well as why there should be gun control. This image has potential of being strong because of the fact that the words are making up the shape of a gun but the words that are around it aren't supporting the the stance towards gun control. There's also a point of the biggest word of the image being gun and the fact that the image is of a gun, makes it a little too repetitive almost as if it didn't have to be there because of the shape of the gun being such a strong image. The words are what occurs with guns and gun related words, but they aren't strong enough to get the stance across in the right way. Otherwise it would be a strong image had it not had the word gun be the largest word (it really shouldn't be there at all) because of the shape being strong enough. Then if the surrounding words were stronger for example using the statistics of why there should be gun control or examples of why there's a need for gun control, especially because of the tragic incidents that have occurred because of guns. 

Other Poor Images:

Images are created to communicate a certain message, showcased above are reasons to why some images are able to convey messages while other images have an issue making the proving the stance that they were created to make.


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